Blog Content Plan

If you wish to have a blog or news section on your website, it is important to keep it updated with regular content that is both relevant and engaging to your readers. Having a blog content plan will help you to strategise your blog articles to coincide with your social media and any events or themes that occur within your company or brand.

We will conduct a session with you to brainstorm ideas to form a blog content plan. We will go over ways to find interesting content, how to use this content in your blog articles, what imagery to use and how to share it on your social media.

Our meeting can be done in person, provided we are within your area, or we can talk over the phone or Skype, whichever works best for you.

We will produce a written tailored content plan in whatever format you prefer (Word document, PDF etc.). This will be your guide to follow, giving you the tools to create regular, engaging blog articles.

This guide will outline your blog content for a weekly, monthly, quarterly or any other period as discussed in our meeting.

Blog Content Plan COST: £240
We will meet with you to brainstorm ideas for your blog and how to source great content.