Wondering why your website isn’t doing so well in Google search engine rankings? Let us take a quick analysis of your website’s SEO (search engine optimisation) and give you a free report on how you’re doing. Don’t let your website suffer in Google any longer, act now!

Simple changes to your website could do wonders for your site in the search engine results. On-site SEO (search engine optimisation) may only count for around 10-20% of your SEO efforts but it’s the MOST important factor to win the key-phrases your site is aiming for.

Let’s say for example you are a Plumber in Exeter, UK and wanted your website to do well in Google. If you didn’t have the words “Plumber” or “Exeter” within the text of your site then how would you ever rank for those words in Google? Google looks at each page on your website and finds the main SEO ‘keywords‘ that are repeated within the text; your text determines what keywords you’ll rank for when people search online so it’s massively important what you write!

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Online marketing – what does Google want to see?

Google have a very clever algorithm that quickly judges whether your website is useful to your visitors, currently over 80% of people search with Google so it’s the most important search engine to consider for online marketing. Google’s main aim is to find the content people are searching for as quickly as possible so the more useful your site is the higher it’ll rank.

• Positive SEO Ranking Factors • Negative SEO Ranking Factors
• Lots Of Relevant Content • Two or More Unrelated Subjects On The Same Page.
• Freshly Created Content • A Website That Hasn’t Been Updated For Years.
• Easy To Read Fonts • A Website That Is Hard To Navigate Or Read.
• Links To Other Related Pages • No Outgoing/Internal Links To Find More Content
• Normal HTML Text • A Mainly Flash or JavaScript Website.
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